More photos from Breaking My Spell

Here you can see more photos from the performance on August 20th. Photos by Tyler Hurd.

Michelle getting ready to start the marathon in horse dress number 1.
Marching by the ocean in the puffin dress.
People cheering for Michelle in Walrus dress number 2.
Change stop. Michelle's wearing the fox dress and fox make up.
Kirk and Jenalee in outfits of their own creation. Note tandem bike!
Walrus dress number 4.
Michelle with her medallion!
The train on horse dress number 2.
Designer and muse, tired and proud.

Breaking My Spell Was a Success!

The performance was a success and a great point of pride for me and the Art Posse.

On Reykjavik Culture Night Michelle came in last in the Reykjavik Half Marathon, as she had planned, after six and a half hours of walking.

I will upload more photos and information soon, but for now let me just say:


The Spell is Broken!

Photo by Tyler Hurd.

An Interview About Breaking My Spell

Have you been itching to know more about what Breaking My Spell is all about? Here you can read a fairly long interview with me about the project, as I wax poetic about our work process and give (gasp!) information about the outfits.

Read the interview on Michelle´s blog.

Logo by Carissa Potter Carlson

Here´s what´s happening in the present moment:

As the clock ticks down to the debut of Breaking My Spell (this Saturday at 8:40 no less) things are becoming more hectic. I know the heat is rising at the Art Posse headquarters what with some unforeseen setbacks. To top it off, I have been laying in bed since Saturday with a cold and fever dreams.

But I am confident that all will go well nevertheless, because on other fronts, the art gods have been smiling down upon us.

Plus we rock.

The Invasion Has Begun

Michelle Morby left for Iceland on Sunday with half of the art posse; Peter Max Lawrence and Kirk Wilder, to work on Breaking My spell. Now they’re there: Michelle training, Peter Max documenting and Kirk keeping it all together. Plus they have to do about a hundred other things. Jenalee Harmon, our style and makeup guru, and I will be arriving soon. In fact, I will be there on Tuesday!

The outfits are ready and soon Michelle will do a photo shoot with very talented Oddvar Örn Hjartarson.

Here are some photos of the art posse:

Peter Max